
We grow our mushrooms on a mixture of sawdust and wheat bran. We source our materials from a local feed store Echo Valley Ranch up in Auburn, they are awesome! We enjoy building these relationships with local businesses, as its not only important for building community, but it is important to us to be able to source quality materials we can trust.

Our sawdust and wheat bran mixture gets mixed thoroughly then water is added. The substrate is then bagged into mushroom grow bags. The filled substrate bags get packed into our steam sterilizer where they steam for about 18 hours. Once sterilized they are introduced to our lab area where we inoculate the substrate with mushroom mycelium!

Once the bags are inoculated they are placed into our incubation room where the mycelium can colonize the substrate. Once the mycelium has fully colonized the substrate, the bags are then moved into the fruiting room.

The fruiting room is significantly cooler in temperature and high in humidity than the incubation room. This change in climate triggers the mushrooms to begin to fruiting and show themselves to us. After a few days of pinning the humidity is slightly lowered and the fresh air exchanges become more frequent and beautiful clusters of mushrooms make their final stretch until they are harvested!